(CLOSED) Box of Planner Goodies Giveaway!
I posted the following unboxing video and promised everyone it was time for another planner goodies giveaway! I end up with extras over time and I like to gather and share them with you all. I have enough for two boxes and so two winners will be drawn. You only have to enter once and you will have the chance to win one of the two planner goody filled boxes (which box you win will be totally random - To keep it simple, no specifying which one, sorry!) The giveaway will be open until Friday (Feb. 17, 2017) and the winner will be announced via THIS blog post on Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017. The entry form will be at the end of this post. Good luck to all my fellow planner lovers! =)
Planner Addict Box plus a GIVEAWAY of Planner Accessories!
Plan With Me! | Functional Planning [Week of 2.6.17]
Box A:

Box B: