Beautiful Christmas DIY Mason Jar Craft

I'm collaborating with At Home and they challenged me to get creative this holiday season!
It is no secret that I adore mason jars. They are just so fun and versatile and... well, you can put everything from cake to tiny boats in them! What's not to love?!
While perusing the Christmas aisles at our local At Home store, I was inspired by the decorated mason jars that I kept seeing and wanted to create my own!

I decided on two kinds, one a potpourri jar and one a lighted decor accent. I made a video tutorial to show you how I created mine. They were fun and simple to construct and I loved the end result! These are perfect in your home or as part of a gift! =)

For fun, I called the red one my Peppermint Flannel Potpourri Jar and the green one my Wintergreen Lights jar. =)